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Strength Training 

Strength training is key for health, happiness and longevity! If you're over 30, it's a MUST!

Personal Training

As your personal trainer I am your coach, your confidante, your mentor and your cheerleader.  I will give you the support and guidance you need to reach your health and fitness goals and to get you thriving in mind, body and soul in no time!

     Who is this for?    

If you:​

  • haven't exercised in a while or are NEW TO EXERCISE and don't know where to start, I will tailor your training to start with the basics ensuring correct technique and posture and then progress you steadily to your ability!

  • are LACKING MOTIVATION to get to the gym and need accountability then I am the trainer to get you loving exercise as well as making sure you are on track to meet your specific goals

  • need support and guidance with your NUTRITION, as a Nutrition Coach I will help you lose any extra pounds but more importantly ensure you are eating for optimum health and longevity

  • have any specific HEALTH CONDITIONS, injuries, or physical limitations I will design a program that caters to your unique requirements providing any modifications, adaptations, or specialized exercises to ensure your safety and effectiveness

  • want a VARIED plan, and worried that sometimes you may not 'feel like it'.  We all need variety so no session is the same and we all have 'off' days, and on those days I will adapt the session (even at the last minute) to how you feel, and either ramp up the fun or slow down the session ensuring you leave feeling worked out or zenned out, depending on what you need that day!

    How does it work?...    

45 minutes / 1 hour sessions

In person - Bournemouth



£40-50 per session


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Outdoor Group Fitness

Outdoor bootcamp is GREAT for the mind, body AND soul!  Working-out outdoors with a group of lovely like-minded ladies is not only incredibly fun, it motivates you to be consistent and provides love and support with life's challenges too! 


     Who is this for?    

If you:

  • haven't exercised in a while or are NEW TO EXERCISE and don't know where to start

  • feel OVERWHELMED walking into a gym

  • are lacking motivation to get started and would relish in the CAMARADERIE of a FUN group session with other LIKE-MINDED LADIES, ready to put their health first too​

  • are recovering from injuries, or have any physical limitations do not worry, I will provide you with any MODIFICATIONS or specialized exercises to ensure your safety and effectiveness throughout the session (YOU RE NOT ALONE!)

  • love VARIETY in workouts - no workout session is ever the same and I even take requests!! :)

    How does it work?...    

30 - 40mins sessions

In person - Bournemouth



£6 per session


£99 for 3 months unlimited



Always wanted to try Boxercise but have never tried it for fear of being the 'Beginner' in the group?


Boxercise is a fantastic way to get fit, great for co-ordination, de-stress from any pent up energy from the day and time for YOU!


Purely Pad work (no random squats or dreaded burpees thrown in) - learning the technique of 8 punches - combination work with partners for 2 minute rounds.  


Irrelevant of age, fitness levels and sporting ability, this course gives like minded ladies an opportunity to try Boxercise with others who are also Beginners. 


Having fun (and laughing alot) is what makes this course one of the faves for all of those who are already part of the Good As New Body crew! As long as you want to make friends and be part of an awesome little Boxercise community, then this is definitely the group for you!


     Who is this for?    

If you:

  • want to LOSE WEIGHT doing something different to strength training and cardio

  • want to IMPROVE YOUR FITNESS LEVELS doing something so fun that you don't feel like you're exercising

  • work out as part of a group of lovely like-minded ladies all having a good laugh whilst DE-STRESSING FROM THE DAY

    How does it work?...    

45 mins sessions

In person ONLY - Bournemouth

£7.50 per session


£45 for 8 week course



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